Category Archives: Dental Websites

Elevate your dental practice with a powerful online presence. Our Dental Websites category offers valuable insights, tips, and best practices to create and maintain an effective website that attracts and engages potential patients.

The Cost of Being Generic: Why Authenticity is Your Best Dental Marketing Strategy

In today’s competitive dental market, it takes more than just offering top-notch dental care to stand out. It’s about authentically connecting with your ideal patients — those who resonate with your practice’s values and services. Your dental practice website is the cornerstone of this connection…

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5 Essential Elements of a High Converting Dental Website

Introduction A well-designed dental website has the power to set you apart from competitors, it can boost your practice's visibility and help fill your chairs with new patients. A poorly designed site, however, will hinder your practice’s growth, can deter potential patients via a frustrating user experience or an unprofessional image, and negatively impact your […]

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The Best Dental Website Designs of 2023

When it comes to attracting new patients, your dental website design should do more than just look good. It needs to effectively communicate your value, demonstrate your expertise, and cultivate trust in the website visitor (a.k.a. prospective patient).

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10 Reasons Your Dental Website Needs a Blog

Your dental blog is an online marketing tool that can boost the new patient performance of your website. It’s a channel to nurture patient relationships, while attracting prospective new patients by educating them about oral health.

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Dental Website Content that Produces New Patients

When a prospective new patient arrives at your Smile Marketing website, they want to know one thing: “Is this the dentist for me?” Our job is to help them say, “Yes!”

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A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

For years we’ve been urging clients to invest in great photography, especially of the doctor and the team. It adds authenticity to your site, telling patients, “I’m real and you can trust me.” Sure, potential new patients aren’t arriving on your website actively looking for photos of you. But a picture speaks a thousand words […]

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The Anatomy of a Blog Post

Like the cover of a book, appearance is crucial to the success of your content marketing. Conceptualizing, writing, and publishing high-quality content can be time-consuming. Formatting the perfect blog post is relatively easy. Here are a few tips to consider before publishing your next blog post: Short paragraphs No need to apply traditional rules of composition […]

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What to Include in Your Dental Website’s About Us Page

Of all of the top pages on a dental website, the About Us page is often the most intimidating. Talking about yourself can be difficult, especially in a setting where you're trying to convince potential patients that you're the right dentist for them. Don't worry, though. Follow these simple Do's and Don'ts to get some […]

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Sending Holiday Emails in the New Year

We talk a lot about how to get new patients, but it’s important not to forget your existing patients. After all, better retention leads to more referrals. And referrals are often the best new patients. One of the simplest, most effective ways to boost retention is by emailing your patient list. The holiday season is […]

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