Category Archives: Uncategorized

Why You Need a Careers Page on Your Dental Website (Even If You’re Not Hiring)

Hiring a top notch dental office team is crucial for attracting and retaining new dental patients, yet hiring talented staff is harder than ever. However, there are simple yet effective strategies that a dentist can use to stand out as a reliable, family-friendly employer to appeal to the right talent. It all begins with adding […]

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The Strategy Helping Australian Dental Practices Boost Earnings By $1M Or More

Picture this: A patient enters your dental clinic, desperately in need of treatment. There’s just one obstacle – the cost. For many patients, their ability to afford dental treatment can be the number one barrier to them proceeding. This financial challenge often leads to postponed or declined treatments, affecting both your patient's health and the […]

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Australian Dentists Reach More New Patients With SuperCare

SuperCare was established in 2013 with the specific goal of helping everyday Australians to eliminate the stress associated with paying for expensive, yet essential, dental treatments.

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